Internet of things(IOT) is a physical device,vehicles,home appliances and other items embedded with electronics software sensors, actuators and connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data each things is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system but is enable to inter operate within the existing internet infrastructure. These devices collect useful data with the help of various existing technologies and then autonomously flow data between other devices.
The connecting devices are revolutionizing home automation, health care manufacturing, heavy industries and more. It has become so vital in daily life and it is going to create a big impact in the near future. Since there is a massive growth in number of devices day by day, the amount of data generated would also be enormous. Here is where big data and IOT go hand in hand.
Security for women has become a major issue as the number of crimes over women and girls increasing day-by-day. This project can help in women safety and their security by using electronic devices connected through some sensors and connected devices. The problem & alert Authorities. This project suggests a new perspective to use technology to protect women. an integrated feature that alert and provide location based Information. “Women Security System that provides the combination of connected devices as- well-as provide alerts and message with an emergency button Trigger.
Connected Road way:
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Connected Factories:
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===will add more later

1 comment:

  1. The Internet of Things is a network of physical objects — vehicles, machines, home appliances, and more — that use sensors and APIs to connect and exchange data over the Internet.Well, Last month, I brought smart home sensor from and I am very happy with the product. For IoT products and services you can refer them. Thanks.
